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Edited Books and Special volumes



I. Segev, L.M. Martinez and R. Zatorre (2012) Brain and Art. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.


S. Martinez-Conde, S.L. Macknik, L.M. Martinez, J.M. Alonso and P.U. Tse (2006) Visual Perception (Volume II). Fundamentals of Awareness: Multi-Sensory Integration and High-Order Perception. Progress in Brain Research series, vol 155. Elsevier. Amsterdam.


S. Martinez-Conde, S.L. Macknik, L.M. Martinez, J.M. Alonso and P.U. Tse (2006) Visual Perception (Volume I). Fundamentals of Vision: Low and Mid-Level Processes in Perception. Progress in Brain Research series, vol 154. Elsevier. Amsterdam.

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